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Thyroid Health FAQs

  • What is your thyroid?

    Your thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland that rests at the front of your throat. It’s a critical part of your endocrine system, producing hormones that influence every cell in your body.

    Your thyroid regulates your metabolic rate, as well as your heart and digestive function. It contributes to muscle control, brain and bone development, and your mood.

  • What are the signs of a hypoactive thyroid disorder?

    Hypothyroidism occurs when your body doesn’t produce sufficient amounts of thyroid hormones, and you develop symptoms including:

    Low energy levels and fatigue

    Increase sensitivity to cold


    Dry skin

    Weight gain and a puffy face

    High cholesterol levels

    Heavy, irregular periods

    Thin hair

    Depression symptoms

    Memory problems

  • What are signs of a hyperactive thyroid disorder?

    However, your thyroid may become hyperactive and produce too many hormones, leading to symptoms such as:

    Unintentional weight loss

    Rapid or irregular heartbeat

    Anxiety and irritability


    Excessive sweating


    Increased hunger

  • What are Signs of an Autoimmune thyroid disorder?

    Fatigue and sluggishness

    Increased sensitivity to cold

    Increased sleepiness

    Dry skin


    Muscle weakness

    Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness

    Joint pain and stiffness

    Irregular or excessive menstrual bleeding


    Problems with memory or concentration

    Swelling of the thyroid (goiter)

    A puffy face

    Brittle nails

    Hair loss

    Enlargement of the tongue

  • How do you know if you have a thyroid disorder?

    A detailed medical exam, diagnostic testing and sometimes imaging can be helpful in determining if you have a thyroid disorder.

    When treating thyroid issues naturopathically, Dr Threasa Andrys always looks at the bigger picture of your health when determining which labs and assessments are needed to get you on the right path to healing.

  • How Do you Treat a thyroid issue?

    Dr. Threasa Andrys takes a customized naturopathic approach to treating thyroid function to improve your health. While some patients benefit from hormone supplementation, it doesn’t address the underlying cause of your thyroid malfunction. Dr. Andrys often combines conventional hormone supplementation with nutrition advice, natural medicines, herbs, and other therapies to reduce the inflammation and balance the immune response that contributes to many thyroid problems.